Our reference projects in
People Leadership

Increase team work and business competence in highly heterogeneous team

- Our client is a project developer to supply public illumination to municipalities in Italy.
- While our team is testing the newly designed development process, we spend a lot of time with the engineers and business developers of the client. Is a young and recently formed team that still needs to better synergize.
- We are asked therefore to apply our “Growing Leadership Gym” approach to this highly heterogeneous team of 16 people, ranging from the MD down 4 orga-levels.
- Topics range from communication to problem solving, from managing conflicts to efficient meetings. We apply the MBTI to characterize the people and have them learn how to better interact with different temperaments.
- A mix of theory, exercises, role plays and 1:1 coaching sessions. Our effort is well received: the feedback from the participants is 3,8 in a range 0-4.
Leadership skills improvement for newly appointed site manager

- A private-equity client has recently acquired a packaging company in Germany, where in a specific site several investments and expansion capacity are planned
- The newly nominated site manager is growing from the position of production manager and needs an uplift in his leadership skills to master the upcoming challenges
- The client requires our support in leadership coaching and based on the Growing Leadership Gym we create a tailored coaching for 3 months
- Interactions coach-coachee are 2 days/week on site and 1 day remote to review homeworks
Leadership coaching of CEO in FinTech

- A young owners and management team of a FinTech start-up has never been involved in management positions in larger established companies, now that their business is growing they feel they need to close this gap
- We are asked to support the 2 owners in developing leadership skills with 2 main goals: be able to define the long term company strategy and motivate their team to implement it
- Coaching sessions are all remote due to the pandemic, yet the results are evident and both coachees and their team recognize a much better interaction afterwards