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Who are we?

We are “gray hairs” industrial advisors with more than 25 years management and consulting experience.
Since the very beginning of our professional carrier we have been serving medium and large companies where we have learnt a lot, in particular during distressed situations. This is the hard school where you know that a small improvement every day can save the company, where you need to believe in what you do because only so you can motivate your colleagues to do the same for the sake of keeping the business alive. Failure is not an option.

Nowadays, we are proud to look back to those many turnarounds and see how big and steady the business have improved: 40% manufacturing lead time reduction, 30% Capex reduction are only some of the double-digit improvements that we have contributed to achieve.

We have learnt to speak the management language but also to roll up our sleeves with front line teams. We love to be on the Gemba!

No matter if your product is simple or complex, solid or fluid, always the same or always different, we have seen it all!

If you feel you need somebody at your side with the experience and passion to help you save or grow your business, that’s Growing.

Our inspiring principles

  • We offer our passion and experience to bring our clients to achieve a substantial and lasting performance leap.
  • We believe that all the problems have a solution and that opportunities for improvement have never end.
  • Following the principles of the Toyota production system we put the final customer in the foreground and fight the waste of physical and intellectual resources along the entire value chain.
  • We want to be smart in using our time (and your money) just for the highest value-add tasks by using innovative digital tools to perform simple analytic jobs.
  • Our ambition to become trusted advisors to each of our clients for working relationships based on a long period of mutual trust.
  • Only the best professionals can join our team. We offer them a working environment based on mutual esteem and passion for the client that brings us all to the goal of full professional satisfaction and fun with the things we do.